söndag 24 maj 2009

It's all in the moment

It's starting to sink in for the both us that we are leaving in less than a week. I've been thinking about the books I wanted to have reread before the trip but haven't. Two of them are 'On the road' by Kerouac and 'Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance' by Pirsig. Great books and essential in more ways than one for this trip. The blog being a 'continuous scroll' for one, Pirsig's trip lasting 17 days another and living in the moment being essential for both books.

Living in the moment will truly be one of the most essential feelings for us. There are three parts to this
journey - there's us, the car and the road. A set beginning and end, and that's it. Whatever in between is up to us. I can't fix the car if it breaks down ( I could if we were doing the trip on my motor bike) but we will sure be more confident in each other and any mutual challenges we might face in the future.


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